Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Annoy me

Donathen my love,
Please annoy me. Come back and piss me off. Act like an ass, full of ego and selfishness. Please come back. Please. Please please. Come back. I am sick to my stomach. I cannot live through the day without crying. I cannot be in the day without knowing you are not in the day with me. So, come back and give me the worst of our worst days. Even the worst of our worst days is better than this. This feeling is wordless. This deprived heart is longing. I know I  can make it through the day with you. I don't know what to do with myself without you.  I wander. Wander through the house. Wander through the aisles of the supermarket. I am a zombie. Do chores. Do laundry. Do writing. Do driving. Do something. Anything. But then, I become tired of avoiding. And the sorrow washes over me, and I feel sick. I want to vomit my sadness up. Please come back. Please please please. Oh, I know you cant.  I know you can't. I just thought I would beg for you anyway because I don't know what else to do. I just don't know what else to do.

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